How can you tell a crane from a heron?

How can you tell a crane from a heron?

Cranes are often seen in flocks.
Herons chase each other away. Herons fly and forage alone, although sometimes a few will sleep in the same tree.

Cranes’ necks are a shorter and they usually hold them straight.
Herons curve their necks into an S. When they are flying they pull their neck totally in.

Cranes eat mostly grain, berries, plants and insects with some small animals. They don’t fish.
Herons eat no plants. They prefer fish and will also hunt small animals.

Cranes have long flight feathers that hang over their rump and tail giving them a “bustle” over their butt.

You will see many kinds of cranes and herons and lots of other birds on Hilton Head Island.

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