I left Cahir early, on my way to the Cliffs of Moher. I went through Tipperary and Limerick on N18.

On the driving test: What does the white Zig-Zag line at a Zebra Crossing mean?
No Overtaking No Parking
At first there was very little traffic. I looked up the zigzag white lines to see what they meant. Zigzag lines on the side of the road means you cannot pass or park. A Zebra Crossing is the striped crosswalk.
Every pub had barrels and barrels being delivered early in the morning. Sorry, blurry photo, batteries going again.
By the time I got to Limerick, it was later and there was more traffic.
Then I was out in the country, driving west on N18 from Limerick. I saw thatch for roofing for sale on the side of the road.
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