Search Engine Optimization

If Search Engine traffic is going to be a major source of traffic to your web site it should be considered at the initial stage of site development.

Search engines can’t see your graphics, design or photographs. All it sees is your words. (True, you can search Google images, but all Google really looks at is the filename of the image, any link text pointing to the image, and words that are around the image. Volunteers also can add keywords for the image search that help deliver relevant results.)

Actually, this is what a search engine sees:

<h1 class=”entry-title” itemprop=”headline”>Search Engine Optimization</h1>                       <div class=”entry-meta”>

<span class=”posted-on”><time class=”entry-date published” datetime=”2022-09-26T18:11:09+00:00″ itemprop=”datePublished”>September 26, 2022</time></span> <span class=”byline”>by <span class=”author vcard” itemprop=”author” itemtype=”” itemscope><a class=”url fn n” href=”” title=”View all posts by Carla” rel=”author” itemprop=”url”><span class=”author-name” itemprop=”name”>Carla</span></a></span></span></div>


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<p>If Search Engine traffic is going to be a major source of traffic to your web site it should be considered at the initial stage of site development.</p>

<p>Search engines can&#8217;t see your graphics, design or photographs. All it sees is your words. (True, you can search Google images, but all Google really looks at is the filename of the image, any link text pointing to the image, and words that are around the image. Volunteers also can add keywords for the image search that help deliver relevant results.)</p>

The text or copy on your website is the most important consideration in SEO, Search Engine Optimization. Your site content should use the words that your visitors will use to search for you in the correct manner to attract your customers.

These are some of the things to consider in selecting your key words and phrases:

Where is the money? Is this attracting a customer that is going to make me money? Or is there so little profit in this item that the customer is just going to waste time that could better be spent serving another customer?

Who is the audience for the site? Make sure that you are developing content that attracts customers.

Decide which words and phrases make the most sense for your web site. Select the words that fit in with your business objectives. Once you have put together a list of priority phrases, develop your site content and architecture around these key words.

Don’t use tricks

There are are a lot of tricks people list on how to send your site to the top of the search engine. Google isn’t stupid. A trick might work, but not for long.

All of the Search Engines change their algorithms frequently. If you just write logical content using the words that best apply to your products or services, you have a better chance.

It takes time to optimize your site for Search Engine Traffic. You have to put in the effort to discover what your customers want to know and present it. Putting in the work will ensure that you have good unique content that is what your site visitors are looking for.

Once you know what to write about, present it in a clear, logical manner. That is what the Indexes are looking for.

How do I write the words for my business site?